Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And still more books I have loved

This is the third in a series of articles on books I have loved. I urge you to read my earlier two articles as well. If I have already emailed them to you then do not delete those emails and refer to those mails more than once.

Here are some more of the books have loved.

Sceptical Essays by Bertrand Russell

Click here for the full article

Some more books I have loved

I had spoken of my experience with books in a previous article. Enough talk about myself. Here are my comments on some of them.

I will be writing more than just this one article because I have loved many books and there is much that I want to say.

In no particular order they are:

The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant

Click here for the full article

Books I have loved

I have spent a lot of time with books in my life and overall it was more than worth it.

Books have opened my eyes to a world that I would never have known to have existed if I had not read them. They have enabled me to escape from myself and my problems when they were too heavy to bear. And in escaping from myself I got much needed rest and relief which would enable me to deal with my problems better.

Click here for the full article