Sunday, December 28, 2008

Buddhist Philosophy

Buddhist philosophy, or Buddhism, or Buddhist philosophy is a set of religious beliefs that are based primarily on the teachings of Siddhartha Guatama. As one of the non-theistic religions, Buddhist tenets aren't terribly concerned with the question of whether a God or Gods exist. In fact, the Buddha himself specifically disavowed any kind of divine inspiration or status, saying rather that anyone, anywhere could achieve the same degree of insight as he himself had.

Though certain sects, such as that of Tibetan Buddhism, actually do worship Gods drawn from local indigenous beliefs, Buddhism in general doesn't concern itself with the question of God.

One of the chief concepts Buddhist sects believe in is karma, something akin to a cause-and-effect relationship between all that has been done and all that will be done.

Events that occur are thought to be the direct result of previous events. One resulting effect of karma is the idea of rebirth. At death, the karma from a given life determines the nature of the next life's existence. The ultimate goal of a Buddhist practitioner is to eliminate karma (both good and bad), end the cycle of rebirth and suffering, and attain Nirvana, usually translated as awakening or enlightenment.

You can read all about Bhuddism and Bhuddist philosophy on the Eastern Philosophy and Meditation website.

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