Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hinduism and the Purpose of Life

Hindu philosophy subscribes to the notion that we can seek what we want, that all paths can be legitimately pursued.

At the heart of Hinduism is this idea: What you want most, you can have. In fact, not only can you have them, in a sense, they are already yours.

(Consider Siddhartha's advice to Govinda, "Perhaps you seek too much.")

Is a person just a body? a personality? Hinduism says something more - an indestructible infinite center of being that never dies and is without limits.

The infinite center of every life is the hidden self. The Atman who is no less than Brahman, the Godhead. You are all three: body, personality, Atman-Brahman.

The present condition of your soul (confusion or serenity) is a product of your past decisions. You have made yourself what you are.

Every persons gets what that person deserves--even though decisions are freely arrived at, there is no chance in the universe. Karma is the middle way between determinism and indeterminacy.

But suppose you say you don't feel particularly infinite today--where is this? It is buried and it is the task of the following lectures to show how it can be uncovered.

In this life you can seek what you want. In order to achieve meaning and significance, there are four basic ways.

It is important to realize that all persons need go through all stages, and they will be left alone if they pursue and enjoy any one of the following paths.

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